
Yes, I'm home and alive.

Hey there my favorite blogging buddies! Where have you all been?!? Haha, just kidding sillies. I know I haven't posted in like forever. Here's why. I brought my laptop with me to New York expecting to have a wireless connection in my sister's house. I figured at night I would blog and keep you all updated on my vacation. Turns out that wireless connection was non-existent. Bummer, I know. But, I'm back now.
I am officially a godmother. My niece's christening was this past Sunday and it was a lot of fun. The NY weather was gorgeous and a great escape from this hot, dry, 110 degree-and-up Vegas weather. I spent most of my stay in Brooklyn, my city of birth :D, and Staten Island. I did spend a day in Greenwich Village in Manhattan and went shopping in Soho. I rode the New York subway and of course with my luck, our train breaks down. The doors would not close so we all had to get off and wait on a small, smelly, HOT, steamy platform for a good 20 minutes. I do not recommend this mode of transportation.
I will post some pictures as soon as I can find the energy to do so. Also, as you can see I posted a new quote of the week. I just watched Breakfast at Tiffany's last night and thought that I would share this quote with you. The song of the week is still the same because I never wrote my post about the song. Expect it soon. :D
I will also be posting my August charity of the month post in the next few days. I know exactly which charity I will be writing about and I can't wait for you to read it!
About the jewelry giveaway that I had going in July- it is officially cancelled. I am truly sorry if you planned on submitting an entry or if you actually submitted one. However, once I get 20 followers I will have another giveaway that is a lot less complicated and way easier to participate in! Have patience with me- I am new to the whole giveaway thing.
That is about all I have to say for tonight. I will make sure I post again tomorrow. We have a lot of catching up to do.


1 comment:

pRiYaN...! said...

we were expecting a post from u..and now we all are pleased !
