
Dreams are illustrations...

Hey everybody! I'm just getting ready for bed and figured I'd leave a quick post! I hope you all checked out that giveaway from Flyaway Jewelry. You have until July 5th to complete all of the requirements! I am working on putting together a few giveaways myself. Did you guys notice the new song/quote of the week?
"Dreams are illustrations...from the book your soul is writing about you."
I found this quote online and fell in love with it. I've been having some pretty crazy dreams lately and this quote caught my eye. Last night I had this dream where I was driving with my best friend and we were going up a really, really steep hill. The car was struggling to make it to the top and I was terrified of falling backwards. I don't know what that dream symbolizes, other than the fact that I need to invest in getting a better engine with more power (hehe).
I chose the song of the week for obvious reasons. With all of the negative press surrounding MJ's death, a tribute to one of his, in my opinion, best songs is definitely necessary.
I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of June. Summer is going by way too fast. Although, I am really excited for my trip to NYC for my birthday.
I haven't posted a lot of pictures lately so here are a few to catch you up on some of the things I have been up to! :D

There is my little photo album from June!! It has been the best month EVER! Between graduation and my best friend being here, what a blast!
Alright guys. I am so exhausted! I am gonna finish getting ready to go to sleep. I'm feeling really blessed tonight... I love this feeling!

Sweet dreams!


RCaitlin said...

Great pics! I always wonder about the meaning of dreams too. I haven't been able to remember any of mine lately though :(

Anonymous said...

you have a Nice blog, and i love your header too...

i love your sense of humor..
