Hello my loves! I hope my video post on Halloween didn't scare you too much! Haha. I have been so busy adjusting to my new position at work and I am getting ready to start school in January. I just wanted to do a quick post about something that has been on my mind. I was thinking about how much easier life would be if we were all considerate of each other. Sometimes you get too involved in your own world, "tunnel vision" as I call it. If you take the extra time to consider the feelings and well-being of the people around you, life will be so much easier for you.
Here's a quote...
Just think about it. Be considerate and kind. You only get back as much as you give. Lots of love and I will try to post again tomorrow because I am off from work!
Happy Halloweeny!
Hey my friendly ghouls and goblins! Here is a video that will get you into that fall-y, autumn-ish mood! Sit back, relax, and watch the autumn breeze!
Apple Store Pictures
I thought these pictures might give you a little laugh! :)
Talk to you guys tomorrow!
Hey lovelies! I know, I know... I have been the WORST blogger ever. But I have a good reason, really. :) I have been busy making some changes for the better.
Don't you worry... I am BACK and ready to write! As you can see, I have made some more changes to the site! Please leave some comments and let me know whatchya think. :)
I am going to keep you guys updated on my fitness! You are all my inspiration and motivation and I WILL make you proud!
I finally changed the song of the week! I chose the song "Maybe" by Ingrid Michaelson. I heard this song on the radio the other day and fell in love. I can really relate to it. It is all about letting go. I recently let go of a friendship that was going nowhere. I hope it was for the best. Who knows... maybe things will change in the future!
Those of you REALLY dedicated followers probably realized that I got rid of the "quote of the week" feature and added "tweet of the week." Hello, gotta get with the 21st century. Haha.
Oh! I just want to thank you all for your amazing support for my dad. We are still waiting on the results of his MRI. Hopefully we will have some answers in a week or two. Your prayers and warm wishes are hugely appreciated. <3
Alright, goodnight & God bless. I promise to write again soon.
Season of love.
Helloooooo! Sorry I have been so quiet lately. Things have been pretty busy. A few days ago my dad went to an orthopedic surgeon because he found a lump on his knee. The surgeon thinks it is a mass and may possibly be bone cancer. My dad gets his MRI tomorrow. Please send good thoughts/vibes/prayers/juju our way. I would greatly appreciate it and I will definitely keep you updated!
On a lighter, happier note... today my parents and I went up to Mt. Charleston & the Spring Mountains. Basically the most scenic place you can find here in Las Vegas. We got to see some very pretty fall foliage and spent some quality time together. Here are some pictures we took!
I also received an award the other day from Liv (A Little Bit of Everything). Thank you so much girl! I saw this and it instantly put a smile on my face!
I just spent some time checking out Liv's blog and is definitely one that you all should see!
This award calls for me to list 7 things about myself.
1. My bedroom wall colors are bright lime green and dark blue!
2. I am horrible, HORRIBLE, horrible with money. I can't save a dime.
3. I have a very random taste in music. If you looked at my current playlist you would find Cher, Miley Cyrus, Nightcore, Enya, LL Cool J, Lifehouse, and Shirley Bassey.
4. I hate tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and onions.
5. I run at the sight of dead birds. They creep me out.
6. I have a huge crush on Brody Jenner.
7. I had 5 wisdom teeth. Just got them removed. (4 is the norm, I am just extra wise. Ha.)
I am supposed to tag 7 blogs. I, however, am choosing to tag ALL of my followers. All 25 of them.
I've visited all of your blogs and you are all worthy of this award! You guys are all amazing and I'd like to thank Liv again. You really helped cheer me up!
Talk to you soon guys! MUAH!!!!!!!!
The whole world is moving and I'm standing still.
Hey guys. Unfortunately, this is not one of my normal, bubbly, optimistic posts. I have had a pretty good day. I did a little shopping and grabbed lunch from my favorite restaurant. Still, I came home feeling empty. All of my friends are going off to school, moving to new, exciting cities, and just having new experiences. I am still here. Nothing has changed. I feel like I am settling and I don't like it. I thought if I told you guys it would help me sort it all out. I need to sleep on it.
Who's ready for fall?!?
Hello my lovely bloggy-buddies. Good news. I am finally starting to feel back to normal! WOOHOO! I go back to work on Monday. How have I been spending these long, lonely days in bed? Watching Grey's Anatomy and QVC, of course. Haha, :).
So I hope you all like the new background/header. There are going to be a few changes to my lovely little blog. The holidays are fast approaching and I am going to be getting real busy, real fast. If you noticed, I am no longer making photo art for the song/quote of the week. They will still be listed on the sidebar, though. It just takes a lot to make all this stuff. ;) Sorry.
I am however going to be adding a couple more "of the weeks." Keep a look out.
I hope you guys all checked out those Childhood Cancer charity websites. The links are posted on the left-hand sidebar. We will be back to our regular charity of the month post in October. If you know any good charities, LEMME KNOW.
BTW- BUY A COPY OF NICHOLAS SPARKS' NEW BOOK, The Last Song. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. Seriously. It is an awesome book and my current read.
Alright guys. I'm off to bed now. Technically still recovering. Love you all MUCHO. MUAH!
Learn some respect, America.
The Blue Box Blues.
We will never forget.
Time for a quick blogging break!
Hey there everyone! Sorry I never got that post out about the first childhood cancer organization. Things have been pretty hectic. I will be getting my wisdom teeth out on Wednesday (fun, I know). So, I am going to be taking a short blogging break! Tomorrow I will post links to FOUR childhood cancer charities to tide you over. I should be back by the last week of September with a lot of BRAND NEW STUFF! :O
Talk to ya soon!!!
Lorianne Marie Beethoven! HAH! Yeah right!
Hiii darlings! Happy Saturday! I'm sorry I have been neglecting you guys lately. Last week I worked Monday-Friday starting at 6am. By the time I got home I was too tired to walk let alone type. :) Forgive me?
In my last post I told you guys how I was teaching myself some basic piano skills and was beginning to write a song in hopes of crossing TWO things off my bucket list. Well, I have finished
lyrics to my song. However, writing the actual tune turns out to be a very difficult process. Especially when you have as little experience reading music as I do. As far as my piano playing- I am getting
better. I'm not looking to become a pianist. I just want to be able to play a few songs. So, if ANY of
you have ANY experience with writing music, know someone who does, or just have any suggestions...
FEEL FREE TO LET ME KNOW! :) I am not giving up. I will continue to work at this until my song
is complete. I am going to post the lyrics I have written. I really look forward to your feedback! I am
looking for some constructive criticism here people!
"Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted." -John Lennon
This quote makes me feel less guilty about so much time in front of this laptop. I ENJOY talking
to you guys which means I am being productive. Well, according to John Lennon! I made the photo
art on the sidebar under "Quote of the Week." That is a pop art picture of the Imagine mosaic in
Central Park. Pretty awesome. I plan on seeing it in person when I go back to New York in January!
RIP John Lennon.
The song of the week is The Lost Get Found by Britt Nicole. I will post the lyris and everything in a
later post. I have a lot I want to say about this song. It deserves its own post.
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month! Every week in September I will post info
about a different Childhood Cancer charity. So far I have chosen TWO of the four charities I am going
to write about. Any suggestions about the final two? Lemme know. :) I am planning on donating to
one of these AWESOME organizations by the end of September! It is definitely a goal for the new month.
Kay guys, you are amazing. You are the ones who keep me blogging! Check out the lyrics to my song!
"It's Time"
By Lorianne
I'm driving past the high school
And the parking lot is full
But my car isn't there
Nobody seems to care
I wipe the tears from my eyes
Realize how stupid it is to cry
I know I have to make the change
But it just feels too strange
It's time to let go
It's time to grow up
All of this I know
I'm not giving up
It's time
Yeahhhh it's time
It's time to face facts
It's time to achieve
No time to relax
No time to grieve
It's time
Class of 2009
Feels like I'm moving too fast
Only great things wait for me
I'm holding on to the past
The future is here and there is no time to flee
It's time to let go
It's time to grow up
All of this I know
I'm not giving up
It's time
Yeahhhh it's time
It's time to face facts
It's time to achieve
No time to relax
No time to grieve
It's time
Class of 2009
Yeahhh it's time
Working on...
Hey everybody! Happy hump day! :) Apparently it is National Dog Day today too. Arf! I want a puppy so bad, lol.
You will never guess what I have been doing. I have been working on some of the things on my bucket list. I figure since I am not in school right now and have some free time, this is the perfect opportunity. I will surprise you in the next few days as to what I am working on. :) It involves music. OH JEEZ! I can't keep it a secret! I am learning to play the piano and am currently writing a song! Those are TWO things on my bucket list. No, I am not taking piano lessons. I am teaching myself. I think I am doing pretty damn well considering I haven't learned any kind of music since 5th grade. The title of the song is "It''s Time." It will HOPEFULLY be done within the next couple days or so! :)
Just thought I would let ya know. Life is too short. Get to work on YOUR bucket list!
Here's to 50 fabulous posts...
Here it is... what you have all been waiting for. Drumroll please. (BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!)
My 50th blog post. Woohoo. I feel like I just starting writing my little posts and now I am on my 50th. This is the longest I have ever kept up with something and it is all because of you guys! :)
So, obviously you haven't heard from me much lately. I have been racking my brain trying to decide what to do for this post. I decided to post the first part of my 18 things I've learned in 18 years. I will post 9 now and 9 at a later date. Here it goes.
18 Things I've Learned In My First 18 Years (Part 1)
1) Never judge a book by its cover. And by a book, I mean a person. People will always surprise you- first impressions aren't always accurate!
2) Not everyone is going to like you. There will always be AT LEAST one person who absolutely can't stand you & that's just life.
3) I have learned that nature can heal you if you allow it to. If you are feeling down, go outside. Look around you. Take in the sunsets, the trees, the wildlife, the rain, and the clouds. You will always go back inside feeling a little bit more at ease.
4) Everyone is always striving to meet society's standards. No one is better than anyone else, no matter what society says.
5) People just want to feel important and loved. Sometimes the people who need the most attention are the ones who need the most love. I don't care who you are, there is some part of you that yearns for acceptance.
6) Everything that you say and do will eventually catch up with you. Be careful.
7) Everyone interprets music differently. I may hear a song and think that the artist is talking about aliens taking over the planet. You may listen to it and think that the song is about two ladybugs falling in love. It depends on your situation at the time. Think about it, it's true.
8) There is a time to be funny, a time to be sad, a time to be serious, and a time to goof off. I am still trying to figure this one out myself.
9) You cannot survive without loved ones. You cannot survive without some sort of social circle. Well, maybe this one only applies to some people, including me. Life is so boring without those crazy friends/family to keep you on your toes!
Well, there is part one. I hope you all enjoyed! I will post part two in the next few days. AND check out the new song/quote of the week. <3
I'm Julia Child, Bon Appetit!
Bonjour everyone! I'm feeling a bit French today. I just got back from seeing Julie & Julia starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. It was a great movie, as is usual with anything starring Meryl. I think you would all appreciate the "blogging" in this movie. I just had the urge to run home and write to you guys. I really respect Julia Child's attitude. She didn't take any BS and never let anything get her down. I really could learn from someone like that right now. Things at work are still a bit shaky and I'm letting it affect me way too much. My favorite part of the movie was when the head of the cooking school told Julia that she had "no real talent for cooking" and Julia stuck her tongue out at her. There is my new attitude! You don't like me? Well, tough. Let me stop talking about this before I get fired. Haha.
A few days ago I realized that this is going to be my 49th blog post. That means that the next time I talk to you it will be my 50th! Wow, that went fast! I am still deciding what I am going to post about next time. You will all just have to wait and see what I come up with!
I just uploaded the new song/quote of the week. I figured a quote from Julia was necessary. I saw this quote and I knew that I definitely needed to share it. "Tears mess up your makeup." It is such a simple statement but it is so full of meaning. There is no point in crying over stupid crap! Plain and simple. Stay positive you guys.
I chose the song of the week because it is just cute and summery. Is that a word? Well, it is now. :D Listen to it because autumn will be here before you know it. I don't have much else to talk about. Keep reading because I am going to be posting a lot of new stuff in the next few weeks. Smile, darlings. Don't mess up that makeup.
Let the monsters see you smile.
Hello my favorite blogger buddies! I hope your week is going well. Mine, well, not so much. I had a pretty crappy night at work yesterday. I came home, blood-boiling and just livid. I needed to vent...and believe me I did! I chewed off the ear off of anyone who was willing to listen. I am completely grateful to the friends who are there for me 100 percent and to my mother (who sat by politely and listened even though she was watching one of her favorite shows). I am still a little annoyed about what happened at work and I have to go back again tonight. I am determined not to let these things ruin my day. So on that note, MOVING ON! :)
I hope you guys noticed the new song/quote of the week! I chose the quote of the week because it is something that has been on my mind so much lately.
"The only way to have a friend is to be one."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Well Ralphie, I agree 1000 percent! You cannot expect someone to be there for you if you aren't there for them. Just thought this quote could remind everyone how important it is to be a good friend! But you guys know that already. :D
Instead of writing a long, drawn out post about the song of the week...here's a video with the song in the background! Do YOURSELVES a favor and download this song! I love, love, love it. It played during the My Sister's Keeper trailer. It just helps me appreciate life when I am feeling down.
This video is not the full song and I did not make it. :) I just love how the video clips go with the song!
Okay darlings, I gotta go get ready for another fun-filled night at work. JOY! I hope you enjoy the song and I'll catch up with ya later! MUAH!
Relax, don't do it. When you wanna go to it.
Well guys, time to start another week! I had a very nice Sunday. I slept in late, watched some TV, ate some Captain Crunch cereal, worked for only 4 hours, came home, ate some really good pot roast, made my self a cup of my favorite chai tea and watched Madea's Family Reunion (which was a really cute movie, BTW).
Tomorrow I am off from work so I will probably just be hanging out at home and I am definitely going to watch the Teen Choice Awards. I know this is a pretty dull post but that is how things have been lately- dull but in a good way. :D
To keep this post from being totally pointless I am going to give you a review on a book I just recently finished reading and a list of 10 things that help me relieve stress.
I started reading this book about a month ago and finished it while I was in New York. If you guys have ever watched Laguna Beach or The Hills, you know who Lauren Conrad is. Despite this being her first novel, the book is very well-written. It started out a little slow and it took me awhile to fully commit myself to reading it. Towards the middle of the book, I was hooked. This book is the first of a three part series. I am very excited to read the second one when it is released. Regardless of whether or not you watch the shows, you should definitely check out the book.
Okay, now here are the 10 ways that I relieve stress. I hope you guys can try some of these tips and offer me some advice of your own.
#1- I always feel more relaxed when I put on Johnson's Melt Away Stress Dreamy Night Cream. I put a little bit on when I am going to sleep or when I am having a stressful day. The chamomile scent really puts me at peace.
#2- Driving also helps me calm down. I like to roll down the windows, open the sun roof, blast my favorite radio station or CD and just go. It doesn't matter if I am driving to work, school, shopping, or just getting out. I always feel more at ease when I am behind the wheel (unless I am stuck in traffic, getting cut off, or someone is driving like a maniac).
#3- Listening to soothing music (such as Enya, any of the songs from the score of Twilight, The Weepies, Matt Kearney, The Fray, A Fine Frenzy, or Five for Fighting).
#4- I like turning off all the lights and lighting a bunch of candles. Even if I am busy putting away laundry, working on homework, or writing an awesome blog post...just the gentle lighting puts me at ease.
#5- Reading is another great way for me to lose touch with reality for a little while and just refocus.
#6- Making jewelry is another way I love to relax. Any craft project really...like cake decorating, scrapbooking, cardmaking, etc.
#7- CHAI TEA! I love it. The taste is like a mix of pumpkin and cinnamon. I like it hot, iced, blended, whatever. It instantly puts me in a better mood!
#8- Driving through the car wash. :)
#9- I love the smell of Febreze. Haha, it's true. That smell always puts a smile on my face.
#10- Rain. Thunder. Lightning. I find it VERY relaxing.
Anyways, I hope that helps you guys. I'd love to hear what you do to unwind! All this talk about relaxing has me ready for bed. Maybe I will squeeze out another post while I am home tomorrow. We'll see. Have a great Monday. MUAH!
Is there really an Ugly Truth?
Hey everybody! Sorry this post is being published a little later than promised. I have just been working A LOT. We have to get ready for the Christmas season at my job! (Yes, I realize it is August. Retail America, however, does not.)
Anywho, last weekend I went and saw the Ugly Truth. I would recommend it for the 17+ crowd. It was definitely a cute movie!
I just want to say that I do not think women need to change to "win over" men, a fallacy that was definitely a theme in The Ugly Truth. I do not think that men are as chauvinistic as they are portrayed in this movie. Well, that's just my opinion. :) That is all I have to say on that.
I hope you all enjoyed the Charity of the Month post. I worked very hard on it. Next month is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. For that reason, I will be writing a charity post every week in September. Each post will be about a different charity that is involved in finding cures for pediactric cancer. I already have two charities that I am definitely going to write about. If you have any suggestions for the other two, let me know!
A couple of days ago I was looking for some inspiration for a new post. I stumbled upon an article on CNN. com. It is called "18 clever timesavers for super busy people." Here is the link: http://www.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/personal/08/03/rs.time.saving.tips/index.html. Read the article- there are some really good ideas that I am definitely going to try.
Okay, I don't have much else to say so I will talk to you in the next couple of days. Just a reminder, if you haven't already, SUBSCRIBE TO THIS BLOG! :D Once I receive twenty followers, I will host a giveaway.
Hasta luego amigos! <3
August Charity of the Month - Lotus Outreach International
Do you know the history of the lotus flower? The lotus flower, also known as Nelumbo nucifera, is an aquatic perennial plant. This means that this flower blooms in the water during spring and summer and dies off in autumn and winter. What is really extraordinary about this beautiful flower is that it grows from mud. It rises out of the dirtiest of mud at the bottom of a pond completely unstained.
You may be wondering what the heck this has to do with charity.
Well, the women and children who are taken care of by Lotus Outreach International have risen from their own personal depths of hell and become beautiful members of their societies.
This charity uses many different programs and partnerships to help aid in their mission to help these vulnerable people take charge of their lives. Some examples of these programs and projects are Buddha Smiles, Girls Access to Education (GATE), Consoling through Counseling, etc.
Many of the people who are assisted by Lotus Outreach are women and children who have been sold into sexual slavery and are victims of human trafficking.
You can read more about the history and approach of Lotus Outreach International on their website, www.lotusoutreach.org.
Are you interested in getting involved? Lotus Outreach has an online store where the proceeds go to the charity. You can also donate any amount of money, no matter how large or small. There is also a list of ways you can get involved without opening your wallet on their website. Here is the link: http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/291763/c9ff4e3993/1370001985/5966dc2e70/.
Please watch this video for some more information about this amazing charity. I hope you all do something to get involved, even if it just passing on information about this charity on your own blog and to your friends and family. You are all amazing for spending your time reading this post. Even if you just embed this video on your blog, MySpace, Facebook, etc. you are making a true difference.
"He who wished to secure the good of others, has already secured his own."
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