
I'm Julia Child, Bon Appetit!

Bonjour everyone! I'm feeling a bit French today. I just got back from seeing Julie & Julia starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. It was a great movie, as is usual with anything starring Meryl. I think you would all appreciate the "blogging" in this movie. I just had the urge to run home and write to you guys. I really respect Julia Child's attitude. She didn't take any BS and never let anything get her down. I really could learn from someone like that right now. Things at work are still a bit shaky and I'm letting it affect me way too much. My favorite part of the movie was when the head of the cooking school told Julia that she had "no real talent for cooking" and Julia stuck her tongue out at her. There is my new attitude! You don't like me? Well, tough. Let me stop talking about this before I get fired. Haha.
A few days ago I realized that this is going to be my 49th blog post. That means that the next time I talk to you it will be my 50th! Wow, that went fast! I am still deciding what I am going to post about next time. You will all just have to wait and see what I come up with!
I just uploaded the new song/quote of the week. I figured a quote from Julia was necessary. I saw this quote and I knew that I definitely needed to share it. "Tears mess up your makeup." It is such a simple statement but it is so full of meaning. There is no point in crying over stupid crap! Plain and simple. Stay positive you guys.
I chose the song of the week because it is just cute and summery. Is that a word? Well, it is now. :D Listen to it because autumn will be here before you know it. I don't have much else to talk about. Keep reading because I am going to be posting a lot of new stuff in the next few weeks. Smile, darlings. Don't mess up that makeup.

1 comment:

Luci said...

I cant wait to see this movie! Nothing beats food and blogging:)