
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.

Well...here goes nothing. Hey everyone! I have decided to start this blog because I am approaching a crossroads in my life and I have a lot to say about it. In exactly 19 days and 10 hours, I am graduating high school. Scary? Terrifying. Exciting? Thrilling. Sad? Absolutely.
I have really grown as a person in the past four years. I look back on the weekend before freshman year began. I was at a party at my cousin's house and his wife Kim came up to me and said, "Lorianne, these four years are going to go by so fast, you are going to blink and it will be graduation." I, of course, rolled my eyes and said, "Psh, yeah, I hope so." I never realized how right she was until recently. 
These four years have been a blur. I have learned so much about who I am. I look back at my freshman year. I was shy, quiet, awkward, your typical freshman. Over the years, I have become way more sarcastic, opinionated, mouthy (I will admit), strong, confident, and brave. My best friend was telling me the other day about how she felt like she was braver and more confident freshman year. In other words, life got in the way, got the best of her. Of course she has had to deal with things that the majority of teenagers do not. She moved at the beginning of junior year and switched schools not once, but twice. Life happens. I, personally, think that it has forced her to become stronger. 
   I look forward to what lies ahead, so I really will not focus too much on the past with this blog. I will however take the experiences that high school has given me and use them in the future.
If any of you are curious, I am going to college in the fall. UNLV. University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Also, if you are curious about how I decided on the name for this blog, let me give you a quote.

"This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time."
-Narrator, Fight Club

If my life is one minute closer to being over every sixty seconds, then I am determined to make every single minute worthwhile.

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